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Monday, September 22, 2014

The Last Walk of Summer

Today marks the official last day of summer, although it's been feeling quite autumn-like here in southeastern Michigan since August, save a few days of "heat-wave" here and there. I took advantage of the sunny weather and went for my last walk of summer around the grounds here. 

Some photos around the grounds today.
It seems like the leaves started turning from summer green to autumn yellow, orange and red a little early this year to me. Everything has gone to seed, the soy and corn crops are dying back and ready for harvest. Perhaps it's just the older I get, the faster time seems to fly, especially summer, my favorite season.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the early days of autumn- there's still some gardening going on, the apple and herb harvests, and it's finally cool enough to comfortably use the canner. I love harvest style fall decorations- mums, pumpkins on straw bales, scarecrows, indian corn and unique gourds and squash.  It's just that I know what's coming next LOL!

As for us, our autumn tasks will include final herb harvest and dehydrating, trimming Deenis and Baa's hooves, winterizing the coop and barn, and replacing glass stall windows with plexiglass before the cold hits. We are preparing for another winter like the last, and if it's not as harsh, excellent!

If you live in the suburbs of metro Detroit or Toledo, but are looking to enjoy the autumn harvest, locally there are some nice, affordable activities for families going on. Carpenter Farms in Adrian (on 223 just east of town) is open to the public for hayrides, a corn maze, and pumpkin and straw bale sales. There's also Apple Charlies in Huron selling apples, pumpkins, cider and donuts. What is autumn without apples and pumpkins?

I'll be looking forward to all the decorations and festivities in the coming months. What is your favorite part of autumn? The food? The decor? The cooler weather? Let us know in the comments section below!

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