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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

ONE Week Til Christmas Eve!

Time sure flies! Just one week until Christmas Eve!

Homemade dough ornament by Britt
It's going to be an extremely busy week here at the farm. Our festivities actually begin Saturday, with a dinner and gift opening at my parent's place, with our big family Christmas dinner at Grandma's on Christmas Eve. It'll be Grandma's 91st Christmas this year! 

With family dinners come potluck dishes. This week, we'll be baking Sugar Cookies and making Peanut Butter Fudge. We'll also be giving Peppermint Bark a go this year. Of course, it wouldn't be a holiday without Deviled Eggs, I'll be whipping up a few dozen or so of those as well.  Another quick and easy potluck offering idea- home canned pickles. We plan on taking a couple jars along with some venison jerky, too! 

Seems like a lot of food, but when you have 5 sets of aunts/uncles, 16 cousins plus spouses and their children, your parents, a brother and his wife, and a neice... That's a lot of hungry people! LOL I always take my seat at the table bearing the appetizers. My uncle brings a shrimp platter with homemade spicy cocktail sauce, and there's always a vegetable tray, along with my eggs. That's a meal in and of itself for me!

Along with all the baking/cooking generally comes present wrapping, but with Britt's help, I can happily say it's all already out of the way! I absolutely love online holiday shopping. It is such a time saver, and when you live in a rural area, it can certainly be money saving as well considering fuel. We did take a trip to Cabela's though, and I'm glad we did. They had a lot of cute novelty gifts we picked up, and I found myself an inexpensive multi-tool to keep in my barn coat pocket! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten out there and no knife to cut the feed bags open with, or a screwdriver to tighten a loose screw on the coop latch!

Speaking of busy, it's time to give Deenis and Baa their afternoon snack! Keep an eye out for posts containing the recipes for Peanut Butter Fudge and Peppermint Bark a little later in the week! Til then...

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