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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It's the first holiday of the "Holiday Season" at Lil Raisin Acres!

I'd been seeing these Spider Deviled Eggs around Pinterest since autumn. I finally had an excuse to make them. Here's the original idea that I had pinned last fall: PINTEREST. I think mine are a little more "rustic" looking... I used my own recipe for the filling, which can be found HERE on the blog. I forgot to grab relish at the store, so I had to substitute the relish for dill weed! 

Unfortunately it's pretty cold and damp out today, but it never stopped us as kids! There's even a possibility of flurries overnight, although I'll believe it when I see it. As long as the kids stay safe and have a good time, that's what's most important!

Hope everyone has a horrifyingly fun evening. Tomorrow: Christmas Carols!!! LOL

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